Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Blog 19: Senior Project and ESLRs

1.  What ESLR have you excelled in most in your senior project? 
The ESLR, to which I feel I have excelled in most in my senior project is... being an effective Communicator
2.  Please explain why you think you have excelled in this ESLR.
For my senior project I feel that I have best become a much more and effective communicator. I clearly have been a more effective communicator because, now when I do need feed back with my senior project, I  ask for opinions by communicating with some of my classmates. Not only in school have I been improving my communication skills, but as well as my during my mentorship. From time to time I learned that along with being responsible, communication skills were extremely important to have when working with children. Since they are children , I eventually have developed a new way of how to communicate with that specific age group effectively. Along with that skill, I have gained a greater deal of patience, which has helped me create bonds with the kids at my mentorship.Ipoly in general helps students become better communicators, with all the group work and things like trade shows. What has helped me specifically strive as a better communicator this year  is my experience of presenting our 10 and 30 minute lesson plans. Even though the 10 minute was a short presentation, this was what gave me the confidence as a senior to want to spark up my communication skills as a presenter. From the space gaps between my first and second presentation, im learning more, and hopefully to the point where I communicate extra well during my 2hour presentation.

3.  To support my claim...
The "ice breaker" of my communication skills as a senior...my 10 minute presentation

This image is a refereance to one of the ways I use alot of  communication at the daycare , during 'HOMEWORK TIME'

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